时间:2024-03-09 来源:威廉希尔作者:威廉希尔访问量:
科学研究:长期致力于薄膜电子器件与集成的研究。《Organic Electronics》、《J. Mater. Chem. C》、《Acta Physica Sinica》、《Appl. Phys. Lett.》、《physical chemistry chemical physics》等国内外期刊发表SCI学术论文30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金1项、省部级科学研究项目3项及教改项目2项,参与国家级研项目多项。
3,具有利用lumerical FDTD软件做二维材料超材料表面等的维纳集成光学性能仿真技能。
(2)湖南省教育厅科学研究项目优秀青年项目,项目编号:17B090,新型稀土掺杂InZnO 有源层半导体氧空位电子结构及其薄膜晶体管稳定性机制研究, 2017立项, 结题,主持;
(3)湖南省教育厅科学自然科学重点项目,项目编号:20A193, 有机/无机/有机结构薄膜晶体管阈值电压无损耗调制及其界面电荷捕获机制的研究, 2020立项, 在研,主持;
(3)湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:2016JJ2059, 新型内嵌金属氧化物有机薄膜晶体管的阈值电压的调控及其物理机制的研究, 2016立项,在研,主持;
(1)Ren Long Zhou,Sa Yang*,Qiawu Lin,Liangpo Tang,Yong Li*andGuozheng Nie(聂国政,通讯作者)*. Tailoring linear and nonlinear surface plasmon response in borophene nanostructure,Journal of Optics,2022.24,114002-114011.SCI, If : 2.077 JCR:Q2
(2)Zonglin Li(员工), Guozheng Nie* (聂国政,通讯作者), Zhiquan Chen, Deqiong Li, Diwen Tan, , Hui Xu, Yunxin Liu. Polarization-sensitive switchable display through critical coupling between graphene and a quasi-BIC。 physical chemistry chemical physics,2022, 24, 29594–29600(SCI, IF:3.945)Q1,
(3)Guozheng Nie, Diwen Tan, Zonglin Li, Fang Zhong, Huilin Li, Shiping Zhan*, Yunxin Liu*. Dual-tuning upconversion luminescence based on perfectly absorbed nanocavities under triple NIR excitation,Journal of alloys and compounds,2023,938:168534-16243 (SCI, IF: 6.371 )Q1,
(4)Fang Zhong(员工),a,b,GuoZheng Niea,b,c*(聂国政,通讯作者), Yufei Lang a,b,Huilin Li a,b, Xuelong Ganc, YuQing Zhaoa,b**, First-principle study on photoelectric properties of all-inorganic two-dimensional double perovskite Cs3AgBiBr7,physical chemistry chemical physics,2023, 25, 3175–3181 (SCI, IF:3.945)Q1,
(5)Yuting Liu(员工),, Shipin Zhan*, Xin XU, Guozheng Nie*(聂国政,通讯作者), Xiaofeng Wu, Yunxin LiuOptical. strategy for detecting hypochlorite in vitro and cell with high selectivity and stability based on lanthanide doped upconversion probe,RSC Advances ,2022,12:31608-31616.SCI IF: 4.036 Q2
(6)Biao Dong(员工),, Xiaofeng Wu,Guozheng Nie *(聂国政,通讯作者), Yunxin Liu* et al ,Observation of high efficient photothermal conversion of sub-10 nm Au nanoparticles coated on upconversion nanoparticles, Optical materials, 2020, 101 :109665-109671. (SCI, IF:3.080 )Q2
(7)Guozheng Nie, BiaoDong, Shaobing Wu, Shiping Shan*,Ying Xu, Yunxin Liu*. Mechanistic Analysis of CuO Charge Separation Zone used in Organic Thin-Film Transistor with a Controllable Threshold Voltage, ACS OMEGA,2019, 4, 8506−8511 (SCI, IF: 3.512 )Q2
(8) G. Z. Nie,C. L. Zhong*,L. E. Luo,Y. Xu,A modification of usual C–V measurement to more precisely characterizethe band offsets in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions,Results in Physics,2015, 5:286~289(SCI, IF: 4.476 )Q1
(9) G. Z. Nie*, D. F. Zou, C. L. Zhong, and Y. Xu, Analysis of improved characteristics of pentacene thin-film transistor with an embedded copper oxide layer. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64(22):228502-1~228502-7(SCI, IF: 0.819 )Q3
(1)Yu-Qing Zhao, Zhao-Sheng Liu,Guo-Zheng Nie, Zhong-Hua Zhu, Yi-Feng Chai, Jun-Nian Wang, Meng-Qiu Cai, and Shaolong Jiang*.Structural, electronic, and charge transferfeatures for two kinds of MoS2/Cs2PbI4 interfaces with optoelectronic applicability:Insights from first-principles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 173104 (2021)(SCI, IF: 3.397 )Q1
(2)Hui Xu,Zhihui He,Zhiquan Chen,Guo-Zheng Nie,Hongjian Li, Optical Fermi level-tuned plasmonic coupling in a grating-assisted graphene nanoribbons system,OPTICS EXPRESS,2020,28(18):2567-2777(SCI, IF: 3.804 )Q1
(3)Hui Xu,Zhihui He,Zhiquan Chen,Guo-Zheng Nie,Deqiong Li, Terahertz tunable optical dual-functional slow light reflectorbased on gold-graphene metamaterials, New J. Phys. ,2020, 22: 123009-123015(SCI, IF:3.729)Q1
(4)Hui xu, Zhiquan Chenguozheng Nie Xuelei Li et al.Optical tunable multifunctional slow light device based on double monolayer graphene grating-like metamaterial. New Journal of Physics, 2021, 23(12): 123025(SCI, IF:3.729)Q1
(5)Xue Ting Zhu , Ying Xu,* , Yong Cao , Guo-Zheng Nie, Zhimin Ao,et al.bInvestigation of the electronic structure of two-dimensional GaN/Zr2CO2 hetero-junction: Type-II band alignment with tunable bandgap, Applied Surface Science 542 (2021) 148505 (SCI, IF: 6.707 )Q1
(6)Wen-Jin Yin, Bo Wen,Guo-Zheng Nie, Xiao-Lin Weic and Li-Min Liu *,Tunable dipole and carrier mobility for a few layer Janus MoSSe structure,J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 1693—1700(SCI, IF: 7.393 )Q1
(7)Shaobing Wu, Xiaofeng Wub,Guozheng Nie,Lichun Shi, Shigang Hu, Junshan Hu,Shiping Zhana, Shengbin Cheng, Yanan Zhang, Qingyang Wu, Yunxin Liu. Au/NaGdF4: Yb3+, Er3+ hybrid fluorescent system for rapid detection of ethanol, Materials Research Bulletin,2019, 109:155-159(SCI, IF: 4.424 )Q1
(8)Chong Li,Ying Xu, Guo-Zheng Nie,Zhimin Ao, A promising blue phosphorene/C2N van der Waals type-II heterojunction as a solar photocatalyst: a first-principles study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 615--623(SCI, IF:3.767)Q1
(9)Cheng, Shengbin;Zhan, SP; Wu, Xiaofeng;Nie, Guozheng; Wu, Shaobing,Insulating plasmonic photothermal heat of Ag nanoparticles by a thin carbon shell,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 791 (2019) 380-384(SCI,IF:6.673)Q1
(10)zhan, Shiping; Xiong, Jian;Nie, Guozheng; Wu, Shaobing; Hu, Junshan;Liu, Yunxin, Steady State Luminescence Enhancement in Plasmon Coupled Core/Shell Upconversion Nanoparticles,Advanced Materials Interface( 2019, 1082089IF:6.389).Q1
(1)聂国政、李德琼、陈智全、许辉。一种有机薄膜晶体管及其制备方法, 国家发明专利,专利号:202111093061.3