时间:2023-03-29 来源:威廉希尔作者:威廉希尔 访问量:
报告题目:Dense Stellar Matter and Compact Stars
Abstract for this presentation:
The multimessenger era of observations of compact stars started with the observationof gravitational waves from binary neutron star merger GW170817 in 2017. I willdiscuss recent developments in the density functional theory-based equations of states of dense matter focusing on the nucleations of heavy baryons including hyperons and the phase transition from hadronic to quark degrees of freedom. The discussion will include the mass-radius relation of compact stars in the light of recentinferences of the mass and radius via NICER observations and on tidal deformability inferred from the GW170817 event. I will also show that asequential first-order phase transitions can lead to emergence of triplets of stars in the mass-radius diagram - stars with the same mass, but different radii. The consequences ofemergence of twin and triplet stars for the tidal deformabilities and potential signatures of the first-order phase transition will be discussed.